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Timeplan 2024 Vår - emne LER-3151-1

Timeplan for LER-3151-1 i uke 2
Uke 2
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
09:15-12:00 DIGUND _DIGUND
LER-3151-1 Digital undervisning
Introduction and language typology



Næss (2019):

Read the following chapter (which you find in pdf format in the reading list in the left margin in the Canvas room):

Kap. 10, pp 230–237

Also take a look at the following appendices from the same book, which are included in the same pdf file:

Minoritetsspråk i Norge: Et grammatisk oversiktskart, pp. 239–26

Språktypologiske ressurser på Internett, pp. 261–262.

K. Killie