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Timeplan 2021 Vår - lærer Britt Kramvig - Professor

Britt Kramvig

Timeplan for Britt Kramvig - Professor i uke 18
Uke 18
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
08:15-11:00 ALTA_BT3 A204
REI-3014-1 lectures
Co-production of knowledge

Duim, R., Jóhannesson, G.T. and Ren, C. (2018) Co-creating tourism research. On collaborative ways of knowing. Chapter 1-4.

B. Kramvig
08:15-11:00 ALTA_BT3 A204
REI-3014-1 lectures
The position of the researcher within knowledge-production

Valtonen A, Meriläinen S, Laine P-M, Salmela-Leppänen T. The knowing body as a floating body. Management Learning. 2017; 48(5):520-534. https://doi:10.1177/1350507617706833

Michela J. Stinson, Bryan S. R. Grimwood & Kellee Caton (2021) Becoming common plantain: metaphor, settler responsibility, and decolonizing tourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29:2-3, 234-252, https://doi:10.1080/09669582.2020.1734605

Animesh Tripathi, Stuart Hayes and Hazel Tucker In search of ‘Other’ voices: on the need for non-Western (auto)ethnographic/(auto)biographical accounts of tourist culture

B. Kramvig