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Timeplan 2022 Høst - lærer Ingrid Marie Kielland - Førsteamanuensis

Ingrid Marie Kielland

Timeplan for Ingrid Marie Kielland - Førsteamanuensis i uke 36
Uke 36
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
10:15-12:00 SVHUM B1003
SPL-3014-1 Lecture
Welcome and introduction to the course

Kampevold Larsen and Hemmersam, chapter 1, Körber et al, chapter 1

Please note: Following the lecture there will be a short campus tour at 12.00 and lunch with other master students and staff of Planning and culture at Ardna 12.30 - 13.30.

M.E. Benjegård
I.M. Kielland
12:15-14:00 UB 344
SPL-3014-1 Lecture
Arctic stories

Kampevold Larsen and Hemmersam, chapter 2 and 3, Körber et al, chapter 3, 12, 14, Kielland, 2017

I.M. Kielland
10:15-12:00 UB 244
SPL-2001-1 Forelesning
Regional utvikling - hva, hvor, hvem?

Pike et al 2, Sandkjær-Hanssen et al 2,3,5

I.M. Kielland
12:15-14:00 SVHUM E0105
SPL-3014-1 Seminar
Tour of the Sami exhibitions of Tromsø museum.

Nyseth & Pedersen 2014, Körber et al, chapter 6

C. Brattland
I.M. Kielland