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Timeplan 2022 Vår - lærer Kristin Killie - Professor

Kristin Killie

Timeplan for Kristin Killie - Professor i uke 4
Uke 4
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
08:15-10:00 DIGUND _DIGUND
ILP U1.068
LER-2152-2 Undervisning

NB! Do the task in the document "Mon 24 Jan_New Zealand English pronunciation_homework"

  • Holmes & Wilson (2017), An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Chapter 6: Regional and social dialects.

  • Trudgill (2016). Dialect Matters: Respecting Vernacular Language. Chapter 3: Language change: observing and accepting it.

K. Killie
14:15-16:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
LER-3151-1 Undervisning

SLA case study: L1 Norwegians learning subject-verb agreement

Killie, K. (2019). The Acquisition of Subject-Verb Agreement Among Norwegian (Teenage) Learners of English: Focus on the Subject.

Killie, K. (2021). ‘I are in New York’: om tilegnelsen av samsvarsbøyning i engelsk blant innlærere med norskspråklig bakgrunn.

K. Killie
M. Son
12:15-14:00 DIGUND _DIGUND
ILP 1.047
LER-2152-2 Undervisning

NB! For this class, prioritize doing the tasks in the document "Tue 25 Jan_


  • Lanehart (1998). African American Vernacular English and education: the dynamics of pedagogy, ideology, and identity

  • Wheeler (2016). "So Much Research, So Little Change": Teaching Standard English in African American Classrooms

K. Killie
08:15-12:00 DIGUND _DIGUND
ILP 2.005
LER-2152-2 Undervisning
  • Holmes & Wilson (2017), An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Chapter 9: Language change.

  • Schneider (2011), English Around the World. Chapter 7: Language development: a general perspective, pp. 197–205 (and the rest, if you have time)

  • Do the task in the file "Wed 26 Jan_Wed 26 Jan_Indian English_homework" in the week 4 module

K. Killie
14:15-16:00 ILP 1.005
BOOKING- Booking BLS022
ILP Masterveiledermøter
M. Bartnæs
V. Bergan
H. Brox
O.G. Drageset
T.F. Eidissen
T.G. Ekeland
H.R. Folkenborg
F.C. Geisler
F. Hiss
S.H.O. Holander
T.E. Holmbukt
H.L. Huru
J. Höper
P.Ø. Haavold
R.E. Jakhelln
I.K. Jakobsen
R.V. Johnsen
S.S. Karlsen
S. Karlsen
R.T. Karstad
S.T. Killengreen
K. Killie
C. Kleemann
M. Kvivesen
L.I. Landsem
R.I. Larsen
A.H. Lødemel
S.D. Manshadi
S. Misund
C.L. Olsen
M. Olufsen
H.C. Pedersen
G.O. Pettersen
J.N. Roksvold
M. Son
M. Sætermo
K-A. Sæther
A. Unhjem
V. Øie
08:15-10:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
LER-3151-1 Undervisning

SLA: learning vocabulary, pragmatics, and pronunciation

Lightbown & Spada (2021) chapter 2, pp. 62–77

K. Killie