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Timeplan 2017 Vår - lærer Nina Alice Emaus - Professor

Nina Alice Emaus

Timeplan for Nina Alice Emaus - Professor i uke 18
Uke 18
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
08:15-10:00 MH U6.A7A
HEL-8010-1 Forelesning
Theoretical part, lecture. Health Science Low, other related lows, Helsinki declaration, OVIEDO convention, CIOMS guidelines
N. Emaus
13:15-16:00 MH U8.123
HEL-8010-1 Colloquim gr. 3 N. Emaus
G. Pettersen
08:15-10:00 MH U6.A3C
HEL-8010-1 Forelesning
Theoretical part, lecture. Health Science Low, other related lows, Helsinki declaration, OVIEDO convention, CIOMS guidelines
N. Emaus
10:15-12:00 MH U6.A3C
HEL-8010-1 Forelesning
Theoretical part, lecture. Rules for publication and author collaboration, role of researcher when scientific knowledge.
N. Emaus
13:15-16:00 MH U8.123
HEL-8010-1 Colloquim gr. 3 N. Emaus
G. Pettersen
13:15-16:00 MH U8.123
HEL-8010-1 Colloquim gr. 3 N. Emaus
G. Pettersen