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Timeplan 2019 Høst - lærer Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis

Ingeborg Høvik

Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 34
Uke 34
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3900-1 MA-seminar R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 35
Uke 35
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
08:15-10:00 SVHUM C1005
HIF-3620-1 Lectures I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3123-1 Forelesning
Forelesning: Kunst – innenfor/utenfor

Vi bruker hele uka på å arbeide med pensum knyttet til outsider art:

Dubuffet, Jean, “In Honour of Savage Values”, oversatt av Kent Minturn, RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 2004: 259–268 (10 sider). URL (JSTOR) eller (The University of Chicago Press Journals)

Duncan, Carol, “Who Rules the Art World,” from The Aesthtics of Power: Essays in Critical Art History (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 169-188. (19 s.)

Elkins, James, “Naïfs, Faux-naïfs, Faux-faux naïfs, Would-be Faux-naïfs: There is No Such Thing as Outsider Art”, 2006 (10 sider). URL, James Elkins’ hjemmeside, )

Maclagan, David, Outsider Art: From the Margins to the Marketplace, London: Reakton Books, 2012: 6–59 (54 sider); dvs. ‘Introduction’ og kapittel 1, ‘Art Brut and the Search for the Source of Creative Originality’. URL (Oria),


I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3123-1 Forelesning
EKSKUSJON HELE DAGEN Kunst – innenfor/utenfor (Trastad samlinger, Harstad, kl. 7-17)

Pensum knyttet til outsider art:

Dubuffet, Jean, “In Honour of Savage Values”, oversatt av Kent Minturn, RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 2004: 259–268 (10 sider). URL (JSTOR) eller (The University of Chicago Press Journals)

Duncan, Carol, “Who Rules the Art World,” from The Aesthtics of Power: Essays in Critical Art History (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 169-188. (19 s.)

Elkins, James, “Naïfs, Faux-naïfs, Faux-faux naïfs, Would-be Faux-naïfs: There is No Such Thing as Outsider Art”, 2006 (10 sider). URL, James Elkins’ hjemmeside, )

Maclagan, David, Outsider Art: From the Margins to the Marketplace, London: Reakton Books, 2012: 6–59 (54 sider); dvs. ‘Introduction’ og kapittel 1, ‘Art Brut and the Search for the Source of Creative Originality’. URL (Oria),


I. Høvik
14:15-16:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-1111-1 Forelesning R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3900-1 MA-seminar
Seminar: Grete Taraldsen og Tone Bjørnsen legger fram
R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 36
Uke 36
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
10:15-16:00 SVHUM A3012
KVI-2517-1 Forelesning
Introduction. Sámi art: historical and political contexts. John Andreas Savio.

Svein Aamold, «Unstable Categories of Art and People», Sámi Art and Aesthetics…(2017): 13-27.

Hanna Horsberg Hansen, «Sámi Artist Group 1978-1983 – A Story About Sámi Traditions in Transition», Sami Stories…(2014): 89-105

Monica Grini, «Historiographical Reflections on Sámi Art and the Paradigm of the National in Norwegian Art History», Sámi Stories…(2014): 48-67.

Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja, «Expressionism in Sámi art: John Savio's woodcuts of the 1920s and 1930s» in The Routledge Companion to Expressionism in a Transnational Context, edited by Isabel Wünsche, 2019.

Secondary Literature:
Art in Place: the Teorifagbygget art collection at the University of Tromsø. Edited by Torild Gjesvik, Unni Grøneng, Søren Ubisch.

M. Grini
I. Høvik
10:15-15:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-2517-1 Forelesning
What is Sámi art? The Sámi drum.

Svein Aamold, «The Role of the Scholar in Research into Indigenous Art».

Jimmie Durham, «The Vocabulary of Art, Why Beauty – (Why Not», and «And Yet».

Nils Oskal, «The Character of the Milk Bowl as Separate World, and the World as a Multitudinous Totality of References»

Charis Gullickson, «The Artist as Noaidi». Sámi Stories, 9-34.

Gunvor Guttorm, “The Power of Natural Materials and Environments”, Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives (2017): 163-177

Rauna Triumf, “Small stories: A guide to learning and teaching Sámi arts and crafts”, Indigenous Research: World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium: Journal 2011 (2010): 77-86

Bergesen, Rognald H. (2016 ). “Lapponia and the Drum, Instruments of Integration and the Construction of the Other during the Confessionalisation of Northern Sweden”. In: Berg, S.H., Bergesen, R. H. & Kristiansen, R. E. (eds.). The Protracted

Reformation in Northern Norway Vol. 2: Towards a Protestant North, TROLL 14.

Håkan Rydving, «The Saami drums and the religious encounter in the 17th and 18th centuries», Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, 01 January 1991, Vol.14, pp.28-51 (pdf in Canvas)

R.H. Bergesen
I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM E2004
KVI-3900-1 MA-seminar
R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 37
Uke 37
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
08:15-10:00 SVHUM C1005
HIF-3620-1 Lectures I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3900-1 MA-seminar
Ånhild Carina og Tone Maria legger fram (Adobe Connect)

Husk å sende tekst for gjennomlesning innen mandag samme uke!

R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 38
Uke 38
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
14:15-16:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-1111-1 Forelesning
Nederland: Landskapsmaler

Robert Neuman. 2013.Baroque and Rococo art and architecture. First edition. Boston: Pearson, s. 222 - 229.


I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3900-1 MA-seminar
Siri og Rachel (Adobe Connect) legger fram

Husk å legge ut tekst for gjennomlesing innen mandag samme uke.

R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 39
Uke 39
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
10:15-16:00 SVHUM A3012
KVI-2517-1 Forelesning
Visual representations of Sámi in the sixteenth- and seventeenth century West. Postcolonial Perspectives. Aslaug Juliussen

LECTURES TODAY WILL BE FROM 10.15-12, 13.15-14.00 AND 17.15-19.00 (Guest lecture with Charis Gullickson)


Rognald H. Bergesen, «Hybrid Iconoclasm: Three Ways of Viewing the Sámi as the Other», Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives, edited by Svein Aamold (2017).

Homi K. Bhabha, "Postmodernism / Postcolonialism" (2003)

Gerardo Mosquera, "The Marco Polo Syndrome: Some Problems around Art and Eurocentrism" (1992)

Robert J.C. Young, “Postcolonial Remains?”, New Literary History (2012): 19-42

Clifford, James, “On Orientalism”, The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Etnography, Literature, and Art (1988): 255-276

James Elkins, “Art History as a Global Discipline”, Is Art History Global? (2007): 3-23

Frantz Fanon, “On National Culture” (fra The Wretched of the Earth, 1961)

Aslaug M. Juliussen : Intersections (2018) edited by Charis Gullickson.

R.H. Bergesen
I. Høvik
Charis Gullickson
10:15-15:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-2517-1 Forelesning
Postcolonial perspectives. Johan Turi's art.


Anne Heith, «Enacting colonised space; Katarina Pirak Sikku and Anders Sunna», Nordisk museologi, 69-83.

Linda Andersson Burnett, «The ‘Lapland Giantess’ in Britain: Reading Concurrences in a Victorian Ethnographic Exhibition», Concurrent Imaginaries: Postcolonial Worlds (2017), 123-143.

Cathrine Baglo, "Rethinking Sami Agency during Living Exhibitions: From the Age of Empire to the Postwar World." Performing Indigeneity: Global Histories and Contemporary Experiences (2014), 136-168.

Svein Aamold, “Representing the Hidden and the Perceptible: Johan Turi’s Images of Sápmi”, Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives (2017): 69-97

I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM E2004
KVI-3900-1 MA-seminar
R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 41
Uke 41
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3123-1 Forelesning
Tirsdagsforelesning: Kunst, kjønn, identitet

Vi arbeider med kapittel 7 "Authorship and Identity" i Preziosi (2009) og kapittel 3 "Feminism, art, and art history" + kapittel 4 "Subjects, identities, and visual ideology" i Harris (2001).

I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3123-1 Forelesning
Leseseminar: Kunst, kjønn, identitet

Tekster fra kapittel 7 "Authorship and Identity" i Preziosi (2009).

I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3900-1 MA-seminar
Julie og Håkon legger fram
R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 42
Uke 42
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3123-1 Forelesning
Tirsdagsforelesning: Globalisering og radikal kunsthistorie

Vi arbeider med kapittel 8, "Globalization and its Discontents" i Preziosi (2009) + "Conclusion" i Harris (2001) + Edward Said, “Empire, Geography, and Culture” (1994) (i kompendium i "Filer")

I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3123-1 Forelesning
Leseseminar: Globalisering og radikal kunsthistorie

Vi arbeider med kapittel 8, "Globalization and its Discontents" i Preziosi (2009) + "Conclusion" i Harris (2001) + Said, “Empire, Geography, and Culture” (1994)

I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-3900-1 MA-seminar
Avlyst: Anna og Reidun legger fram fredag 1. november

Husk å legge ut tekst for gjennomlesning innen mandag samme uke.

R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 43
Uke 43
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
08:15-10:00 SVHUM C1005
HIF-3620-1 Lectures I. Høvik
14:15-16:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-1111-1 Forelesning
Tema: Barokk maleri i koloniene

Brienen, Rebecca. 2006. Visions of savage paradise : Albert Eckhout, court painter in colonial Dutch Brazil . Kapitler: "Introduction” og kapitlene 2-4, plansjer og noter, 11-26, 49-129, 231-232, 238-252 og 17 fargeplansjer (133 s.)

I. Høvik
10:15-16:00 SVHUM A3012
KVI-2517-1 Forelesning
Sámi Architecture. Course work presentations. Iver Jåks.


Elin Haugdal, ”Strategies of Monumentality in Contemporary Sámi Architecture”, Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives (2017): 211-238

Elin Haugdal, “‘It’s Meant to Decay’: Contemporary Sámi Architecture and the Rhetoric of Materials”, The Handbook of Contemporary Indigenous Architecture (2018).

Irene Snarby “The Sculpture of Iver Jåks and the Question of Sámi Aesthetics”, Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives (2017): 121-137

Harald Gaski, “Nils-Aslak Valkeapää: Indigenous Voice and Multimedia Artist”, AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples (2008): 155-178

Ruth B. Phillips, “The Modern and the Modernist in Twentieth-Century Indigenous Arts”, Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives (2017): 327-330

R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
10:15-15:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-2517-1 Forelesning
Contemporary Sámi art and establishing a «Sámi» art history. Course work presentations. Wrap-up and writing tips.


Anniken Greve, “Reopening Our Original Openness – Reflections on Landscape, Perception and Art”, Sámi Stories: Art and Identity of an Arctic People (2014): 68-87

Monica Grini, ’Contemporary Sámi Art in the Making of Sámi Art History…’, Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives (2017): 297-323

Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja, “Traditional Sámi Culture and the Colonial Past as the Basis for Sámi Contemporary Art”, Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives (2017): 99-120

Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen, Performing the Forgotten: Body, Territory, and Authenticity in Contemporary Sámi Art”, Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives (2017): 249-265

Irene Snarby, “Sámi Art between the Local and the Global”, Sakahàn: International Indigenous Art (2013)

I. Høvik
12:15-14:00 SVHUM E2004
KVI-3900-1 MA-seminar
Ikke seminar
R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 44
Uke 44
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
08:15-10:00 SVHUM C1005
HIF-3620-1 Lectures I. Høvik
Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 45
Uke 45
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
10:15-12:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-1111-1 Forelesning
Ingen forelesning
R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
14:15-16:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-1111-1 Forelesning
Ingen forelesning
R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
10:15-12:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-1111-1 Forelesning
Ingen forelesning
R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
14:15-16:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-1111-1 Forelesning
Ingen forelesning
R.H. Bergesen
E.K. Haugdal
I. Høvik
H. Olaussen
NB: Semester 2019 Høst - Ingen aktiviteter i disse ukene: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52