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Timeplan 2020 Høst - lærer Bodil Hansen Blix - Professor

Bodil Hansen Blix

Timeplan for Bodil Hansen Blix - Professor i uke 44
Uke 44
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
12:15-15:00 MH2 U.09.309
MH2 U.09.320
MH2 U.09.330
HEL-8042-1 Groups
Studentpresentation/paper and group work
B.H. Blix
R.A. Markussen
M.B. Risør
T. Risør
09:15-11:00 MH2 U.09.309
HEL-8042-1 Lectures
How to sample as a tool for making a good analysis? User participation and involvement
B.H. Blix
M.B. Risør
12:15-15:00 MH2 U.08.307
MH2 U.08.309
MH2 U.09.309
HEL-8042-1 Groups
Studentpresentation/paper and group work
B.H. Blix
R.A. Markussen
M.B. Risør
T. Risør