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Timeplan 2020 Høst - lærer Hilde Marie Brox - Førsteamanuensis

Hilde Marie Brox

Timeplan for Hilde Marie Brox - Førsteamanuensis i uke 36
Uke 36
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
10:15-12:00 LRU-3300-1 Undervisning
Session 2: Intercultural competence + which English?

Dypedahl, M. & Bøhn, H. (2002). Intercultural competence and culture (Ch 5) in Teaching and Learning English. 

Rindal, U., Beiler, I. R. & Listuen, S. G. (2020), Intercultural competence (Ch 9) in Teaching English in Norwegian Classrooms. From research to practice.

Brevik, L., Rindal, U. &. Beiler, I. R.  (2020), Language use in English lessons: monolingual, bilingual and multilingual approaches (Ch 4) In Teaching English in Norwegian Classrooms. From research to practice.

Rindal, U. & Iannuzzi, M. (2020), Pronunciation: accent, identity and intelligibility. Ch 5 In Teaching English in Norwegian Classrooms. From research to practice.

Rindal, U., & Piercy, C. (2013). Being 'neutral'? English pronunciation among Norwegian learners. World Englishes, 32(2), 211-229

H. Brox
12:15-14:00 ILP 2.056
LER-1151-1 Undervisning
Texts for Tweens (Fysisk oppmøte 1215-1400)

Blackman: Cloud Busting
Gamble: Ch 5 Aspects of fiction

H. Brox
09:15-12:00 ILP 1.006
LER-1151-1 Undervisning
NB: AVLYST!! Songbook project (Fysisk oppmøte 0915-1200)

Twinkle ch 5

H. Brox