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Timeplan 2020 Høst - lærer Randi Olsen - Overingeniør

Randi Olsen

Timeplan for Randi Olsen - Overingeniør i uke 47
Uke 47
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
10:15-16:00 MBI-3012-1 Lab exercise 7
LAB: Preparation of samples for scanning EM – Group 1-2. NB – Lab location: The Advanced Microscopy Core Facility at MH2-level 9.
R. Olsen
K.K. Sørensen
08:15-10:00 MH U7.222A
MBI-3012-1 Lab exercise 7
LAB: Mounting of samples (group 1-2).Location: The Advanced Microscopy Core Facility at MH2-level 9
R. Olsen
K.K. Sørensen
10:15-16:00 MBI-3012-1 Lab exercise 7
LAB: Preparation of samples for scanning EM (Group 3-5). Location: The Advanced Microscopy Core Facility at MH2-level 9
R. Olsen
K.K. Sørensen
08:15-10:00 MH U7.222A
MBI-3012-1 Lab exercise 7
LAB: Mounting of samples (group 3-5). Location: Advanced Microscopy Core Facility
R. Olsen
K.K. Sørensen
10:15-16:00 MH U7.222A
MBI-3012-1 Lab exercise 7
LAB: Scanning electron microscopy (group 1-2). Location: Advanced Microscopy Core Facility
R. Olsen
K.K. Sørensen
10:15-16:00 MBI-3012-1 Lab exercise 7
LAB: Scanning electron microscopy (group 3-5). Location: Advanced Microscopy Core Facility
R. Olsen
K.K. Sørensen