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Timeplan 2021 Høst - lærer Marko Lukic - Universitetslektor

Marko Lukic

Timeplan for Marko Lukic - Universitetslektor i uke 38
Uke 38
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
09:15-10:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
MH2 U.09.310
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Introduction to second gathering: focus on material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
E. Sharashova
10:15-11:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
MH2 U.09.310
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Critical appraisal of articles in groups

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
E. Sharashova
11:15-12:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
MH2 U.09.310
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Critical appraisal of articles in groups

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
E. Sharashova
13:15-14:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
MH2 U.10.311
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Groups’ presentations of articles and their critical appraisals

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
E. Sharashova
14:15-15:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
MH2 U.10.311
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Groups’ presentations of articles and their critical appraisals

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
E. Sharashova
09:15-10:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Study designs

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
10:15-11:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Work with your material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
E. Sharashova
11:15-12:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Work with your material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
E. Sharashova
13:15-14:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Work with your material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
E. Sharashova
14:15-15:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Work with your material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
E. Sharashova
09:15-12:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Students’ presentations of material and methods (two parallel sections)

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
L.A. Hopstock
M. Lukic
K.S. Olsen
E. Sharashova
13:15-14:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Students’ presentations of material and methods (two parallel sections)

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
L.A. Hopstock
M. Lukic
K.S. Olsen
E. Sharashova
14:15-15:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Setting up home assignment 2 Peer-review of protocol draft

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M. Lukic
E. Sharashova