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Timeplan 2021 Vår - lærer Ingrid Karoline Jakobsen - Universitetslektor

Ingrid Karoline Jakobsen

Timeplan for Ingrid Karoline Jakobsen - Universitetslektor i uke 9
Uke 9
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
12:15-14:00 TEO-H1 1.417
LER-3150-1 Undervisning
Anne of Green Gables (digital session)

Montgomery, L. M.(1908). Anne of Green Gables

Abbott, Chapter 4: The rhetoric of narrative

Rubio, Mary (1992). Anne of Green Gables: The Architect of Adolescence. In Such a Simple Little Tale Mavis Reimer (ed) p. 65-82

Zoom invitation on Canvas.

I.K. Jakobsen
08:15-12:00 ILP 1.007
LER-1152-2 Forelesning
Fantasy: Introduction to Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone, Using film to teach English

Rowling: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

I.K. Jakobsen
08:15-10:00 TEO-H1 1.417
LER-3150-1 Undervisning
Anne of Green Gables (digital session)

Montgomery, L. M.(1908). Anne of Green Gables

Abbott, Chapter 5: Closure

Waterhouse, J.W. (1888). The Lady of Shalott.

Tennyson, A. (1847). Lancelot and Elaine (extracts from Idylls of the Kings). (pdf on Canvas)

Blewett, K. (2015). An Unfortunate Lily Maid: Transgressive Reading in Anne of Green GablesThe Lion and the Unicorn 39(3), 275-293.

Zoom invitation on Canvas.

I.K. Jakobsen
10:15-12:00 ILP 1.007
LER-1152-2 Forelesning
Fantasy: Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone

Rowling: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Gamble: ch 7 Fantasy

I.K. Jakobsen
14:15-15:45 LER-1602-2 Praksisforberedende møte
L. Hjemgård Johansen
I.K. Jakobsen
B-H. Johannessen
G. Kalseth
S.T. Killengreen
H.E. Moe
K-A. Sæther
A. Unhjem
12:15-14:00 DIGUND _ZOOM
LER-1152-2 Forelesning
Fantasy: Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone (on Zoom)

Rowling: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Zoom invitation on Canvas.

I.K. Jakobsen