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Timeplan 2022 Høst - lærer Andreas Buch - Overingeniør

Andreas Buch

Timeplan for Andreas Buch - Overingeniør i uke 33
Uke 33
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
09:15-10:00 TEO-H5 5.310
SVF-3903-1 Lectures
Returning Equipment
A. Buch
10:15-12:00 TEO-H5 5.310
SVF-3903-1 Lectures
Welcome back and introduction to course
B.M. Arntsen
A. Buch
P.I. Crawford
F.P. Uriri
13:15-14:00 TEO-H5 5.310
SVF-3101-1 Lectures
Welcome to MVA
B.M. Arntsen
A. Buch
P.I. Crawford
F.P. Uriri