Timeplan 2022 Høst - lærer Daniela Morales Sanchez - Førsteamanuensis
Uke 35 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Fredag 02.09.2022 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-110 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lecture 1. Introduction to industrial biotechnology, 2. Biomolecules 1 - Proteins 1 |
D. Morales-Sanchez |
Uke 36 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Fredag 09.09.2022 |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-110 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lecture Biomolecules 2 - Pigments 2 |
D. Morales-Sanchez Jacob S. Kneip |
Uke 37 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Fredag 16.09.2022 |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-110 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lecture Biomolecules 3 - Enzymes, Biomolecules 4 - Carbohydrates 3 |
D. Morales-Sanchez |
Uke 38 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Fredag 23.09.2022 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-110 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lecture Biomolecules 5 - Lipids 4 |
D. Morales-Sanchez |
Uke 39 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Torsdag 29.09.2022 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-310 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lab 1 |
D. Morales-Sanchez Jacob S. Kneip |
Fredag 30.09.2022 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-310 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lab 2 |
D. Morales-Sanchez Jacob S. Kneip |
Uke 40 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Mandag 03.10.2022 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-310 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lab 3 |
D. Morales-Sanchez Jacob S. Kneip |
Tirsdag 04.10.2022 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-310 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lab 4 |
D. Morales-Sanchez Jacob S. Kneip |
Onsdag 05.10.2022 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-310 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lab 5 |
D. Morales-Sanchez Jacob S. Kneip |
Fredag 07.10.2022 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-110 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lecture Finnfjord visit and Lectures: 1. Macroalgae 2. Algae cultivation scale up processes 6 >We will meet at 6:45 at the Tromsø Prostneset hurtigbåtkai. >Coming back at 2:30 pm from Finnsnes, will be in Tromsø at 3:30 pm. >Bring your lunch (Finnfjord will provide some lunch but it's not that much). |
H.C. Eilertsen R.A. Ingebrigtsen D. Morales-Sanchez |
Uke 41 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Torsdag 13.10.2022 |
14:00-16:00 | NFH D-110 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lecture Marine processes 1: Algae cultivation, applications and commercialization 7 Digital lecture starting at 14:00 (NOT at 14:15): Topic: Angela Wulff's Lecture Time: Oct 13, 2022 02:00 PM Oslo Join Zoom Meeting https://uit.zoom.us/j/66182121715?pwd=Y0o0b0JrV3kvMzJsSGlxdFhNZWd5UT09 Meeting ID: 661 8212 1715 Password: 828178 |
D. Morales-Sanchez Angela Wulff |
Uke 45 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Fredag 11.11.2022 |
16:00-17:45 | DIGUND _DIGUND |
BIO-3610-1 | Lecture Other processes 1: Bioplaguicides 11 Digital lecture with researchers from the Biotechnology Institute in Mexico. It wil start at 16:00 hrs. Please be on time. Topic: Other processes 1: Bioplaguicides Time: Nov 11, 2022 04:00 PM Oslo Join Zoom Meeting https://uit.zoom.us/j/66931656762?pwd=NExLRnZrQ0lrOFlWcEl3Q05LNDQzdz09 Meeting ID: 669 3165 6762 Password: 697137 |
D. Morales-Sanchez Enrique Galindo Fentanes Leobardo Serrano-Carreon |
Uke 47 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Onsdag 23.11.2022 |
10:15-12:00 | DIGUND _DIGUND |
BIO-3610-1 | Lecture Other processes 2: Protein production from insects 13 Digital lecture with a researcher from the company Ynsect in France. Please be on time. Topic: Other processes 2: Protein production from insects Time: Nov 23, 2022 10:00 AM Oslo Join Zoom Meeting https://uit.zoom.us/j/64836172796?pwd=c2haNG0veGEzdThsUVVoMk8wb2MwUT09 Meeting ID: 648 3617 2796 Password: 622105 |
D. Morales-Sanchez Lorena Sanchez |
Fredag 25.11.2022 |
16:00-17:45 | DIGUND _DIGUND |
BIO-3610-1 | Lecture Other processes 3: Recombinant vaccines 10 Digital lecture with a researcher from the Biotechnology Institute in Mexico. It wil start at 16:00 hrs. Please be on time. Topic: Other processes 3: Recombinant vaccines Time: Nov 25, 2022 04:00 PM Oslo Join Zoom Meeting https://uit.zoom.us/j/66653364699?pwd=MldSeSt5d1JzdnZidlJBUDdqeDhJQT09 Meeting ID: 666 5336 4699 Password: 855846 |
D. Morales-Sanchez Octavio Tonatiuh Ramirez Reivich |
Uke 48 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Tirsdag 29.11.2022 |
10:15-14:15 | NFH D-110 |
BIO-3610-1 | Lecture Project presentations 14 |
D. Morales-Sanchez |