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Timeplan 2022 Høst - lærer Marie Wasmuth Lundblad - Postdoktor

Marie Wasmuth Lundblad

Timeplan for Marie Wasmuth Lundblad - Postdoktor i uke 33
Uke 33
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
09:15-10:00 HEL-3005-1 Seminar
Kick-Off Introduction to MPH program UiT

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.W. Lundblad
J.E. Strømmesen
10:15-11:00 HEL-3005-1 Seminar
Kick-Off Presentation of MPH courses and teachers

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.W. Lundblad
09:15-11:00 HEL-3005-1 Seminar
Kick-Off Crash course: Use of UiT resources

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.W. Lundblad
J.E. Strømmesen
12:00-13:15 HEL-3005-1 Seminar
Kick-Off Lunch - get to know your classmates

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.W. Lundblad
J.E. Strømmesen
Timeplan for Marie Wasmuth Lundblad - Postdoktor i uke 34
Uke 34
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
09:15-10:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Welcome introduction and information

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
10:15-11:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Protocol development, contents, format, templates

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
11:15-12:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Protocol development, contents, format, templates

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
13:15-14:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Intro critical appraisal

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
14:15-15:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Student exercises, start outline of own protocol

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
15:15-16:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Student exercises, start outline of own protocol

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
11:15-12:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Critical Appraisal Method Case Control and Cross sectional or Cohort

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
13:15-14:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Critical Appraisal Method Case Control and Cross sectional or Cohort

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
14:15-15:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Critical Appraisal Method Case Control and Cross sectional or Cohort

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
15:15-16:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Critical Appraisal Group work review and discussion

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
08:15-09:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Presentation of individual projects

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
09:15-10:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Presentation of individual projects

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
10:15-11:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Presentation of individual projects

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
11:15-12:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Presentation of individual projects

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
13:15-14:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Presentation of individual projects

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
14:15-15:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Presentation of individual projects

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
15:15-16:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Self-Studies Writing the introduction

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
10:15-11:00 MH2 U.10.321
MH2 U.10.322
MH2 U.10.330
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Self-Studies Writing the introduction

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
11:15-12:00 MH2 U.10.321
MH2 U.10.322
MH2 U.10.330
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Self-Studies Writing the introduction

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
13:15-14:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Questions writing introduction

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
14:15-15:00 MH2 U.10.320
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Setting up home assignment Critical Appraisal Method II short method

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
Timeplan for Marie Wasmuth Lundblad - Postdoktor i uke 37
Uke 37
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
09:15-13:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3950-1 1st seminar
1st Master SeminarWhat is the master’s thesis?

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.W. Lundblad
Timeplan for Marie Wasmuth Lundblad - Postdoktor i uke 41
Uke 41
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
08:15-09:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Introduction to second gathering Focus on material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
09:15-10:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present introduction, summary of background literature and the knowledge gap.

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
10:15-11:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present introduction, summary of background literature and the knowledge gap.

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
11:15-12:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present introduction, summary of background literature and the knowledge gap.

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
13:15-14:00 MH2 U.09.310
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present introduction, summary of background literature and the knowledge gap.

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
14:15-15:00 MH2 U.09.310
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present introduction, summary of background literature and the knowledge gap.

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
15:15-16:00 MH2 U.09.310
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present introduction, summary of background literature and the knowledge gap.

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
09:15-10:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Study designs

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
10:15-11:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Work with your material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
11:15-12:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Work with your material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
14:15-15:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Work with your material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
15:15-16:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Work with your material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
09:15-10:00 MH2 U.09.308
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present and discuss the material and method

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
10:15-11:00 MH2 U.09.308
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present and discuss the material and method

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
11:15-12:00 MH2 U.09.308
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present and discuss the material and method

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
13:15-14:00 MH2 U.09.308
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present and discuss the material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
14:15-15:00 MH2 U.09.308
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Present and discuss the material and methods

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
15:15-16:00 MH2 U.09.308
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Presentation of home assignment 2

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
Timeplan for Marie Wasmuth Lundblad - Postdoktor i uke 44
Uke 44
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
13:15-14:00 MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Work in pairs home assignment 2

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
14:15-15:00 MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3066-1 Seminar
Work in pairs home assignment 2

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
09:15-10:00 MH2 U.09.308
HEL-3950-1 3rd seminar
Systematic literature search (Q&A)

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
E. Reierth
E. Sharashova
10:15-11:00 MH2 U.09.308
HEL-3950-1 3rd seminar
Systematic literature search (Q&A)

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
E. Reierth
E. Sharashova
11:15-12:00 MH2 U.09.308
HEL-3950-1 3rd seminar
3rd Master's Seminar

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
E. Sharashova
13:15-14:00 MH2 U.10.319
HEL-3066-1 Forelesning
Making a plan for the spring, timeline and timeline development

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
14:15-15:00 MH2 U.10.306
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Timeline development individual work

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
15:15-16:00 MH2 U.10.306
HEL-3066-1 Gruppearbeid
Timeline development individual work , Prepare for home exam

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
K.B. Borch
M.W. Lundblad
NB: Semester 2022 Høst - Ingen aktiviteter i disse ukene: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52