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Timeplan 2022 Vår - lærer Mary Elizabeth Taylor - Førsteamanuensis

Mary Elizabeth Taylor

Timeplan for Mary Elizabeth Taylor - Førsteamanuensis i uke 2
Uke 2
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
09:00-09:45 MH U6.A4C
HEL-3043-1 Lecture
Introduction and course overview

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
N.M.P. Daulaire
M.E. Taylor
11:00-11:45 MH U6.A4C
HEL-3043-1 Lecture
Determinants of Health

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.E. Taylor
12:45-13:00 MH2 U.10.308
HEL-3043-1 Lecture
Applying public health principles to global health

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
N.M.P. Daulaire
M.E. Taylor
13:00-14:30 MH2 U.10.308
MH2 U.10.326
MH2 U.10.330
HEL-3043-1 Groupwork
Groups for Global Health Metrics Exercise

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.E. Taylor
10:00-10:45 MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3043-1 Lecture
Global strategies and initiatives to improve health

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.E. Taylor
12:45-14:15 MH2 U.09.309
MH2 U.09.320
MH2 U.09.321
HEL-3043-1 Groupwork
Global strategies exercise

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.E. Taylor
14:15-15:15 MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3043-1 Seminar
Presentations and Discussion

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
N.M.P. Daulaire
M.E. Taylor
09:00-09:45 MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3043-1 Lecture
Newborn and Child Health

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.E. Taylor
12:45-14:15 MH2 U.09.309
MH2 U.09.320
MH2 U.09.321
HEL-3043-1 Groupwork
Child Health Exercise group work

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.E. Taylor
14:15-15:15 MH2 U.09.309
HEL-3043-1 Seminar
Presentations and Discussion

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
N.M.P. Daulaire
M.E. Taylor
09:00-09:45 MH2 U.09.301
HEL-3043-1 Lecture
Maternal Health

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.E. Taylor
11:00-11:45 MH2 U.09.301
HEL-3043-1 Lecture
Health Service Delivery

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
M.E. Taylor
11:45-12:30 MH2 U.09.301
HEL-3043-1 Seminar
Week 1 wrap up, Class discussion, Homework assignment

 Obligatorisk fremmøte
N.M.P. Daulaire
M.E. Taylor