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Timeplan 2023 Høst - lærer Lill Tove Fredriksen - Førsteamanuensis

Lill Tove Fredriksen

Timeplan for Lill Tove Fredriksen - Førsteamanuensis i uke 45
Uke 45
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
14:15-16:00 HIF-3620-1 Lectures
Round table discussion in Árdna
Oppmøte i Ardna

In this final seminar, we will focus briefly on the central topics of the lectures and discussions, talk about the school exam, and, importantly, invite all of you to evaluate the course. Please prepare questions you may have for this in advance. As you know, participation in our round table discussion is a coursework requirement. Please inform us in advance if you are unable to attend.

L.M. Aslaksen
L.T. Fredriksen
S. Kjeldaas
S. Aamold
13:15-15:00 SVHUM A3019
BOOKING Booking KLA021
Just literature (JUL)
L. Castor
M. Douglas Aranibar
C. Falke
L.T. Fredriksen
S.H.O. Holander
A.B. Larsen
R. Moi
M.J. Niemi
C.L. Olsen
J.M. Parks
R. Sørly