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Timeplan 2023 Vår - lærer Michaela Maria Aschan - Professor

Michaela Maria Aschan

Timeplan for Michaela Maria Aschan - Professor i uke 6
Uke 6
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
09:15-12:00 ADM K1.04
SVF-8600-1 Teaching
WORKSHOP: Equity, diversity, and inclusion in science
M. Aschan
M. Duarte
K. Fjørtoft
M.P. Morreau
K. Østnes Hansen
13:15-16:00 ADM K1.04
SVF-8600-1 Teaching
Introduction to guidelines for research ethics
M. Aschan
K. Østnes Hansen
09:15-12:00 ADM K1.04
SVF-8600-1 Teaching
Publishing Ethics: authorship, peer review, and reproducibilityPublishing Ethics: authorship, peer review, and reproducibility
M. Aschan
C. Riener
K. Østnes Hansen
13:15-15:00 ADM K1.04
SVF-8600-1 Teaching
Info, Q & A about writing the essay, course feedback
M. Aschan
K. Østnes Hansen