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Timeplan 2024 Høst - lærer Anita Ursvik - Overingeniør

Anita Ursvik

Timeplan for Anita Ursvik - Overingeniør i uke 44
Uke 44
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
09:15-11:00 MH U7.111
MBI-3012-1 Lecture exercise 7
FOR: Introduction - Treatment and preservation of tissue samples PART 1
K.A. Fenton
P. Kanapathippillai
A. Ursvik
12:15-15:00 MH U7.211
MBI-3012-1 Lab exercise 7
LAB: Guided tour of the histology lab and demonstration of sectioning.
K.A. Fenton
P. Kanapathippillai
A. Ursvik
09:15-11:00 MH U7.111
MBI-3012-1 Lecture exercise 7
FOR: Treatment and preservation of tissue samples PART 2
K.A. Fenton
P. Kanapathippillai
A. Ursvik
12:15-16:00 MH U7.211
MBI-3012-1 Lab exercise 7
LAB: H/E staining.
K.A. Fenton
P. Kanapathippillai
A. Ursvik
08:15-09:00 MH U7.111
MBI-3012-1 Lecture exercise 7
FOR: Introduction to immunohistochemistry.
K.A. Fenton
P. Kanapathippillai
A. Ursvik
09:15-16:00 MH U7.211
MBI-3012-1 Lab exercise 7
LAB: Immunohistochemistry of kidney tissue
K.A. Fenton
P. Kanapathippillai
A. Ursvik