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Timeplan 2024 Høst - lærer David Peyre Costa - Forsker

David Peyre Costa

Timeplan for David Peyre Costa - Forsker i uke 33
Uke 33
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
15:15-17:00 MED-2520-1 Miscellaneous
The Norwegian health care system (FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ONLY)
S. Kranz
E.B. Nordal
D. Peyre Costa
H-L. Portimojärvi
Timeplan for David Peyre Costa - Forsker i uke 45
Uke 45
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
12:15-14:00 MH U6.A7A
MED-2520-1 Lectures Course 4.4
Introduction to the course. Global Health - what is it, and why is it important?
D. Peyre Costa
Timeplan for David Peyre Costa - Forsker i uke 49
Uke 49
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
15:00-16:00 MH U6.A7A
MED-2520-1 Various lectures
Evaluation of the semester and information about the exam
R. Glad
C.A. Klingenberg
E.B. Nordal
D. Peyre Costa
H-L. Portimojärvi