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Timeplan 2024 Vår - lærer Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis

Ingeborg Høvik

Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 10
Uke 10
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
14:15-16:00 SVHUM A3018
HIF-3211-1 Lecture
Module 2, part I: Nordic colonialisms and the museum
I. Høvik
10:15-12:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-2020-1 Forelesning
An introduction to the (art) history and legacies of Transatlantic slavery

Kriz, Kay Dian. Slavery, sugar, and the culture of refinement : picturing the British West Indies, 1700-1840,

Ch. Introduction "Assessing the Culture of Refinement", pp. 1-8. (8 pages)

Ch. 2 "Marketing Mulâtresses in Agostino Brunias's West Indian Scenes", pp. 37-70. (34 pages)

Recommended reading (not compulsory):

Klarer, Mario. "Humanitarian Pornography: John Gabriel Stedman's Narrative of a Five Years Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam (1796)." New Literary History 36.4 (2005): 559-587. (28 pages).

Pratt, Mary-Louise. 2008. Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. Routledge. Andre utgave.

Ch. 5. Eros and abolition pp. 84-105 (21 pages)

I. Høvik