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Timeplan 2024 Vår - lærer Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis

Ingeborg Høvik

Timeplan for Ingeborg Høvik - Førsteamanuensis i uke 4
Uke 4
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
10:15-12:00 SVHUM A3018
KVI-2020-1 Forelesning
1) Postcolonial studies and 2) Early representations of North and South America: John White

For topic on postcolonial studies, see literature from last week!

Smith, Bernard. 1992. Imagining the Pacific: in the Wake of the Cook Voyages. Yale University Press. kap. 1: “Art in the Service of Science and Travel”, pp. 1-39. (39 pages)


Kupperman, Karen.  "Roanoke's Achievement", in European Visions: American Voices, edited by Kim Sloan. pp. 3-13. (11 pages)


Rubiés, Joan-Pau. "Texts, Images, and the Perception of 'Savages' in Early Modern Europe: What We Can Learn from White and Harriot", in European Visions: American Voices, edited by Kim Sloan. pp.120-130 (10 pages).

I. Høvik