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Timeplan 2024 Vår - lærer Stine Willum Adrian - Professor

Stine Willum Adrian

Timeplan for Stine Willum Adrian - Professor i uke 6
Uke 6
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
08:15-10:00 TEO-H1 1.217
SOS-1018-1 Forelesning
Eugenik, reproduktion og velfærdsstat

Obligatorisk litteratur:

Ekerwald, Hedvig (2001). The Modernist Manifesto of Alva and Gunnar Myrdal: Modernization of Sweden and the Thirities and the Question of Sterilization, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society.14(3). P. 539-561

Roll-Hansen, Niels (1996).Norwegian Eugenics: Sterilization as social reform. In Broberg, G. and Roll-Hansen, Niels (eds.). Eugenics and the Welfare State. East Lansing. Michigan State University Press p.151 -189 (Læs fra s. 155)

Ekstra litteratur:

Koch, Lene (2004). The Meaning of Eugenics: Reflections on the Government of Genetic Knowledge in the Past and the Present. Science in Context. 17(3). P.315-331

S.W. Adrian
10:15-12:00 TEO-H1 1.233
TEO-H1 1.417
SOS-1018-1 Seminar

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S.W. Adrian