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Timeplan 2024 Vår - lærer Vanessa Molin Paynter - Stipendiat

Vanessa Molin Paynter

Timeplan for Vanessa Molin Paynter - Stipendiat i uke 12
Uke 12
Dato Tid Rom Emnekode Beskrivelse Lærer
12:15-16:00 NFH D-205
NFH D-206
FSK-2053-1 Practical
Linux combined data wrangling
  • Types of data. Filtering and Reformatting - Tidyverse. 2h practice
  • Using R scripts for data manipulation in Linux (TA) – 1.5h practice
    • Third assignment: Create a R-toolbox for filtering and reformatting tables and make a Linux pipeline.
A.A. Hembrom
D. Kumazawa Morais
V.M. Paynter