Timeplan 2020 Høst - lærer Arve Lynghammar - Førsteamanuensis
Habitats and distribution
NB! No physical lectures at NFH E-101 or E-102, only live streaming. The lecture will not be recorded.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 655 5244 6710
Password: 276477
Classification and diversity
NB! No physical lectures at NFH E-101 or E-102, only live streaming. The lecture will not be recorded.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 687 9007 5211
Password: 715022
Classification and diversity
NB! No physical lectures at NFH E-101 or E-102, only live streaming. The lecture will not be recorded.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 681 4292 7587
Password: 339133
Classification and diversity
NB! No physical lectures at NFH E-101 or E-102, only live streaming. The lecture will not be recorded.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 673 3871 7558
Password: 985408
Classification and diversity
NB! No physical lectures at NFH E-101 or E-102, only live streaming. The lecture will not be recorded.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 686 3455 9420
Password: 112959
Scientific- and report writing/ databases
NB! No physical lectures at NFH E-101 or E-102, only live streaming. The lecture will not be recorded.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 610 0060 3889
Password: 885289
Cartilaginous fishes
Cartilaginous fishes
Bony fishes I
Bony fishes II
Bony fishes II
Cartilaginous fishes
Bony fishes I
Bony fishes II
Digital computer lab
Computer lab
Videos will be posted on Canvas, and you will work on the exercises on your own. We will not meet physically at D-206.
Digital computer lab
Computer lab
Videos will be posted on Canvas, and you will work on the exercises on your own. We will not meet physically at D-206.
Spørsmål ang. labrapport
Spørsmål ang. labrapport
Exam meeting/round up