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Timeplan 2023 Vår - lærer Reinhard Helmut Gottfrid Mook - Førsteamanuensis

Reinhard Helmut Gottfrid Mook

Uke 10
10:15-12:00 - 09.03.2023
(Professor emeritus Reinhard H. G. Mook) Jordsmonn og fysikalske formasjonsprosesser


Rebecca J. S. Cannell. 2015. On the definition and practice of Geoarchaeology. Primitive tider, 14: 31–45. to an external site.

Bertran, P., Beauval, C., Boulogne, S., Brenet, M., Costamagno, S., Feuillet, T., Laroulandie, V., Lenoble, A., Malaurent, P., og Mallye, J.-B. 2015. Experimental archaeology in a mid-latitude periglacial context: insight into site formation and taphonomic processes. Journal of Archaeological Science, 57: 283–301. to an external site.

Mook, R., og R. Bertelsen. (2007). The Possible Advantage of Living in Turf Houses on Settlement Mounds. Acta Borealia, 24(1): 84–97. to an external site.

Pilø, L. H., Barrett, J. H., Eiken, T., Finstad, E., Grønning, S., Post-Melbye, J. R., Nesje, A., Rosvold, J., Solli, B., & Ødegård, R. S. (2021). Interpreting archaeological site-formation processes at a mountain ice patch: A case study from Langfonne, Norway. The Holocene, 31(3): 469–482.

R.H.G. Mook