Timeplan 2017 Høst - studentsett M - IFM - høst - semester 1 (ikke høst 2021)
Uke 33 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Torsdag 17.08.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-206 |
BIO-3556-1 | PC-lab Introduction and preparatory readings |
J. Santos |
12:15-13:15 | SVF-3554-1 | Lecture Infomøte for nye masterstudenter kl 12:15 - 13:15 (ROM D-111 NFH) |
M.M.T. Iversen R.L. Olsen |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture: |
A. Eide |
Uke 34 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Torsdag 24.08.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: World fisheries. Species and methods |
J. Santos |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture: |
A. Eide |
Uke 35 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Tirsdag 29.08.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Goals of management; status of world fisheries |
J. Santos |
Onsdag 30.08.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-206 |
BIO-3556-1 | PC-lab PC-lab: Assessment: trend analysis |
J. Santos |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture: |
A. Eide |
Torsdag 31.08.2017 |
08:15-16:00 | NFH D-111 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Boreal marine ecosystem |
J. Santos |
Fredag 01.09.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Boreal marine ecosystem |
Uke 36 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Mandag 04.09.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Seminars Seminar: Biology |
J. Santos |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Tirsdag 05.09.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Population production and models |
J. Santos |
Onsdag 06.09.2017 |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Torsdag 07.09.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-206 |
BIO-3556-1 | PC-lab PC-lab: Assessment: bio-dyn models |
J. Santos |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture |
A. Eide |
Uke 37 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Mandag 11.09.2017 |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Tirsdag 12.09.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Population processes |
J. Santos |
Onsdag 13.09.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-206 |
BIO-3556-1 | PC-lab PC-lab: Population processes |
J. Santos |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Fredag 15.09.2017 |
09:15-13:00 | BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Room D-111: Assesment: Y/R models |
J. Santos |
Uke 38 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Mandag 18.09.2017 |
08:15-12:00 | BIO-3556-1 | PC-lab PC-lab: Room D-206: Assessment: Y/R models |
J. Santos |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Onsdag 20.09.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-111 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Torsdag 21.09.2017 |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture: |
A. Eide |
Uke 39 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Mandag 25.09.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Seminar | J.P. Johnsen |
12:15-16:00 | NFH B-064 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Tirsdag 26.09.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Boreal marine ecosystem |
Onsdag 27.09.2017 |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Harvest Technology - The basics |
R.B. Larsen |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Torsdag 28.09.2017 |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture: |
A. Eide |
Fredag 29.09.2017 |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Harvest Technology - Gillnets, longlines |
R.B. Larsen |
Uke 40 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Mandag 02.10.2017 |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Tirsdag 03.10.2017 |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Harvest Technology - Pots, fykes etc. |
R.B. Larsen |
Onsdag 04.10.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-111 |
SVF-3554-1 | Seminar Seminar/lecture |
J.P. Johnsen |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Torsdag 05.10.2017 |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Harvest Technology - Purse seines, D seines |
R.B. Larsen |
Fredag 06.10.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-111 |
SOK-3554-1 | Seminars Seminar |
A. Eide |
Uke 41 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Mandag 09.10.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-111 |
SVF-3554-1 | Seminar | J.P. Johnsen |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Tirsdag 10.10.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Harvest Technology -Trawls & trawlsystems |
R.B. Larsen |
Onsdag 11.10.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-111 |
SVF-3554-1 | Seminar Seminar/lecture |
J.P. Johnsen |
Torsdag 12.10.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture: |
A. Eide |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Harvest Technology - Gear selectivity theory |
R.B. Larsen |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Uke 42 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Torsdag 19.10.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-111 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture: |
A. Eide |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-111 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Harvest - Counting fish by sound |
R.B. Larsen |
Fredag 20.10.2017 |
08:15-12:00 | NFH B-064 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | P. Holm |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-112 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Harvest Technology - Hydro acoustics |
R.B. Larsen |
Uke 43 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Mandag 23.10.2017 |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-111 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Assessment by survey |
R.B. Larsen |
Tirsdag 24.10.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Seminar Seminar/lecture |
J.P. Johnsen |
12:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Seminars Seminar: Biology |
J. Santos |
Onsdag 25.10.2017 |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Torsdag 26.10.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-206 |
BIO-3556-1 | PC-lab PC-lab: Assessment by survey |
J. Santos |
Fredag 27.10.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Seminars Seminar |
A. Eide |
12:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Lecture | J.P. Johnsen |
Uke 44 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Onsdag 01.11.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-112 |
SVF-3554-1 | Seminar Seminar/lecture |
J.P. Johnsen |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-111 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture: |
A. Eide |
Torsdag 02.11.2017 |
09:15-15:00 | BIO-3556-1 | PC-lab PC-lab: Law |
M. Borit |
Fredag 03.11.2017 |
10:15-14:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Monitoring, Control & Surveillance |
M. Borit |
Uke 45 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Mandag 06.11.2017 |
09:15-11:15 | NFH D-111 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Capture based Aquaculture on cod v/Sæther |
Tirsdag 07.11.2017 |
09:15-12:00 | NFH D-109 |
SVF-3554-1 | Seminar Film seminar- guest |
J.P. Johnsen |
Onsdag 08.11.2017 |
09:15-13:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: Management |
J. Santos |
13:15-15:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Lecture: MCS (FD) |
M. Borit J. Santos |
Torsdag 09.11.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-109 |
BIO-3556-1 | Lectures Conclusion |
J. Santos |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture: |
A. Eide |
Fredag 10.11.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-111 |
SOK-3554-1 | Seminars Seminar |
A. Eide |
Uke 46 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Onsdag 15.11.2017 |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures | A. Eide |
Torsdag 16.11.2017 |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-111 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures Lecture: |
A. Eide |
Uke 47 | |||||
Dato | Tid | Rom | Emnekode | Beskrivelse | Lærer |
Torsdag 23.11.2017 |
14:15-16:00 | NFH D-109 |
SOK-3554-1 | Lectures | A. Eide |
Fredag 24.11.2017 |
10:15-12:00 | NFH D-111 |
SOK-3554-1 | Seminars Seminar |
A. Eide |
Semester 2017 Høst - Ingen aktiviteter i disse ukene: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52